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Protect Strobes & Sounders

Territory Technology Solutions provides  several accessories from Protect which assist in forcing out intruders and reduce theft.  The Sounder, Strobe, and Fog Cannons which work together seamlessly to provide maximum protection for your property

The Security Strobe emits a high-speed flashing light that disorients and stresses burglars, while the Security Sounder emits a loud, attention-grabbing noise.

The Security Fog Cannon, in the meantime, releases a thick fog that makes it impossible for intruders to navigate your premises. Together, these three components create chaos and confusion that are sure to drive even the most determined intruders away.

With the Security Strobe emitting 4-6 flashes per second which is adjustable for both frequency and time and the Security Sounder which is designed to emit an unbearable alarm sound with flexible time and volume settings in combination they provide a barrier to force out any seasoned intruders.

Strobe Demo - https://vimeo.com/507446893?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=49982244

Sounder Demo - https://vimeo.com/799486225?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=49982244

Both are vandalism-proof and are suitable for wall and ceiling mounting, easy to install and are compatible with all alarm systems.

Contact our team for a demo or pricing on 08 89442222


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